Which and for what social media to use for business purposes

6 min readMar 17, 2023


Social Media Marketing Tips

Social Media Marketing Tips

As we all seem to understand now, we probably want to drive more traffic to our source. At least this is the reason for this article. We have concluded that one of the best ways to do so is; by using social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.

We will not discuss the search console or email marketing in this topic, so let’s move on from that subject.

Depending on various reasons, why someone might go social for personal use, and sometimes they like and sometimes dislike one of the platforms. The platforms themselves have the force to pull various individuals, while others are not so drawn to them. They might seem to offer almost all the same tools and have the same functionality, but still, something seems to set them apart.

When it comes to business usage, marketing, and wanting to build an audience, most people focus on a specific audience that is most relevant and fits their niche.

The type of business varies with the marketing program. Focusing on the right direction for the right audience is best performed with the right platform.

Without haste, let us first name some of the well-known Social Media Platforms:


The social media enterprise, enables its users to connect through various networking platforms like profiles, pages, groups, etc.
It is quite user-friendly, almost completely free, and responsive, and it allows users the necessary tools to connect with other people who are already members of the Facebook platform.


Is another social networking media that enables users to follow one another, and share 140-character text (tweets). Allows you to follow trends or hashtags.

Although Facebook is a giant compared to Twitter, the two platforms are still very competitive.


is A social media application, mostly built for smartphones, that enables its users to share photos and videos easily, and also interact with its other registered users.


I’m sorry, but I never used this application, although I know it opened another new trend which was: sharing silly short videos.


is A social platform that is destined to siege the professional aspects of life. On LinkedIn, you can find some really smart and highly educated employers and employees.
Never judge a book by its cover.


A platform built for ask-to-get-answers, a system typo, broke its trust and tried to imitate the other big dogs. It’s weird when one uses Reddit at the same time, feels pleasant, and at the same time, it feels strange.


I didn’t want to put YT here with the list of social platforms because that is not its purpose. Nevertheless, it allows people to communicate through comments, likes, sharing, etc. Its design is and always has been a you-stream studio. A platform that allows its users to create their channels and publish their video material.

There are many other ones that I am not going to mention. I’ll just leave that for anyone interested in participating in this topic over the commenting section, who can surely, do so.

Before we move any further, I want to point out some statistics that I got from different sources on the internet, like: datareportal.com.

  • According to a report by Kepios, 4.76 billion people are using social media worldwide as of January 2023. It means that 59.4 percent of the world’s population uses social media. 90% of internet users are currently using social media every month.
  • According to data from GWI, the average social media user uses or visits 7.2 different social platforms per month and spends more than two and a half hours each day on social media

Based on the statistics above, let us understand that this huge number of users have their own needs and reasons for why they spend their time on these platforms. I will also show another segment from the datareportal website so we can return to the point of this topic.

Why are people using social media? Here you can see some of the reasons done statistically by GWI over surveys.

Before you zoom into this figure, ask yourself why you use any social media that you do. So you can see with which line you stand.


The thing to understand here is that the reasons for using social media have to do with the model of the social media platform.

For example: KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. It has to do with the communication applications like text messaging and call applications or any other social platform that offer communication tools like Facebook, Telegram, Snapchat, etc.

Example two: FILLING SPARE TIME. These people will most likely use applications like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Example three: READING NEWS STORIES: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

These three reasons are enough to understand every other reason as they are notable from what that service offers.

What’s interesting to understand is that most people that use, for example, Facebook, are most likely to use also: Messenger, WhatsUp, or Instagram.
People that use YouTube, are most likely to use: TikTok, Instagram, etc.
Or the ones that use Twitter are most likely to use also: LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

The reason why a person also drags interest in the platform is that he/she feels that specific need. The providers themselves focus on their service, hoping to target those specific needs.

Here is another good explanation by Wordstream.com, for the social media platform characteristics.

The table shows the: age of users that visit every specific platform, the type of content you should focus on, strategies and tools to use for each SM platform, and the awareness for each platform of what to expect.

Depending on the type of business one might have, one should always engage the platform according to traits.


Behind every social media platform lies another part of the business aspect of administration. Here is where you stand, and this is how you start thinking from now on.

If you are already reading this article then it means that you are interested in marketing your business, spreading the word, and gaining an audience.

You should stop thinking as a user of a website or application and start thinking behind the scenes, step into the technician’s realm, and familiarize yourself with developers and engineers.

Depending on what type of industry you’re involved with and what type of business you do, whether it is commerce, entertainment, education, financial services, crafts, etc.

Setting marketing plans is crucial to reap success. It’s the customers that bring in the money and it’s they who keep the business flowing.

It is much easier to sell things to people that share your interest than to those who have less interest in your product. The ways how people use the Internet and how they live their daily lives explain enough to understand how to target the right spectrum.

I will not promise you anything here, as only the author of its actions is responsible for the causes. You are the master of your job. Follow the stats, and the reasons, and get on the wagon of opportunities.

This article is not based on academic research, but rather on my research from various sources on the Internet.

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As the saying goes, “Constructive criticism is always more valuable than empty praise.”

Originally published on Inkypages



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